Fingerprints and Love Notes

Nurturing Self-Discovery through Intuitive Art
Lori Kellogg Lori Kellogg

Nurturing Self-Discovery through Intuitive Art

One of my greatest delights is creating workshops and classes.  Crystabella Studio’s  workshops are where art, introspection, and spirituality come together to create a space for self-discovery and creative expression.

I believe that art is more than just creating pretty pictures – it's a portal to the soul.

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Embracing Creativity: A Journey with Crystabella Studio
Lori Kellogg Lori Kellogg

Embracing Creativity: A Journey with Crystabella Studio

Welcome to Crystabella Studio. My name is Lori Poff Kellogg and I believe in the transformative power of creativity and the magic that unfolds when we embrace our inner artist.

For most of my life, I felt like I was living in someone else's story – always serving others, but neglecting the desires of my own heart.

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Free Painting Tutorial
Vivian Liebenson Vivian Liebenson

Free Painting Tutorial

Step into a world where imperfection is embraced, self-compassion reigns, and pockets of peace are discovered in the midst of life's chaos. Through Crystabella Studio, Lori invites you to join the quest for self-discovery, creativity, and spiritual connection.

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